Starke Ayres: From Seeds to Success to Real Life Success.

My Dad was a keen gardener.

Every single moment he had a bit of free time, it had to be spent in the garden. He was one of those people who could stick anything in the ground...and it will flourish.

He loved his shrubs, and his prized possesion was a King-Protea, his lawn was always in immaculate condition, and he hardly ever used insecticides and poisons. People often stopped just to take photos. The best part is the fact that he was a shift-worker and the house was a rental. That is what I call dedication to your craft.

Then there was his vegetable garden...Green beans, Brinjals, Onion, Cabbage, Lettuce...the list can go on forever. The one thing that will stick in my memory is that I always saw Starke Ayres seeds...ALWAYS!

That made me wonder, so I decided to go and check for myself.

Stark Ayres was founded in 1877 in South Africa. Today they supply over 60 Countries over 5 Continents. They have a wide variety of seeds, Non GMO of course. I think that already says alot. They supply the casual home grower as well as the commercial grower with TOP QUALITY seeds.

They are also involved in many different community projects, and they are on a mission to stop hunger through the implementation and education regarding growing your own fresh produce. 

Then it became clear why my Dad used their Seeds of Success: They simply supply Top Quality Seeds that flourish...that Simple! 

Feel free to visit their site:

They offer a wide variety of products and their customer support is top notch. 

So if you need some inspiration, or want to start growing your own, I personally recommend STARK AYRES...TRUE SEEDS OF SUCCESS! 
